Leon x hop pokemon
Leon x hop pokemon

Leon was already there and a small crowd had gathered, cheering the Champion as he made his signature pose. The both of you rushed past his house and carefully tread onto the small portion of road that housed wild Pokémons until you were at Wedgehurst station. One morning, Hop came to your house because Leon was coming back from Wyndon to visit him – and you ! So you dressed up, gobbled your breakfast as quickly as you could and rushed out to see Hop already waiting for you. But with a strong culture of catching Pokémon to train them to battle and being exposed to matches countless times on TV, seeing Hop’s brother, Leon, being so cool and all, it was obvious you’d want to become a Pokémon trainer one day.Īnd you did. He became very famous and busy, so you didn’t get to see him that much, and neither did Hop. Not just a champion, but THE champion of the league of Galar, the one at the top. You grew up with another boy, named Hop, and it happened his brother became the champion.

leon x hop pokemon

Though, you were a country bumpkin, so the only Pokémon you got to see on the regular were mostly Wooloos, save for the occasional Rookidee or Yamper, and those pesky Skwovets that always managed to eat part of the harvest, be it in the fields or in the bags. You were born and raised in Galar, beautiful region adorned with greenery, wild areas and an array of different and exotic Pokémons. This follows the storyline in game so don’t read if you don’t want to be spoiled. There’s not enough Hop x Reader so here is an attempt at one. What happens when everybody finds their place in life and finally has time to think ?

leon x hop pokemon

You bear the burden of breaking his lifelong dream, but as kind as he is, he says it’s no big deal. Timid times when Hop and you collided, before wandering apart again. You also didn’t think you had grown so close to him, your eyes trained on the challenge and missing everything beside it. You didn’t think you’d have to save the world one day. When you began your Pokémon journey with your best friend Hop, you didn’t think about what would happen. On the verge of broken dreams (Hop x Reader) Part 1

Leon x hop pokemon